Emergency Protective Orders

Emergency Protective Orders

Police Enforce Protective Orders image of police car

Emergency Protective Orders

Emergency Protective Orders (EPOs), also known as restraining orders or orders of protection, are legal measures issued by Texas courts to safeguard individuals who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or other forms of harassment. These orders are intended to prevent further harm by prohibiting the abuser from engaging in certain behaviors, such as contacting, harassing, or threatening the victim.

Texas Protection Orders

In Texas, protection orders can be obtained by victims of domestic violence or abuse, as well as certain family or household members on behalf of the victim, including spouses, ex-spouses, children, parents, siblings, and individuals who are or were in a dating relationship with the victim. Protection orders can also be obtained by victims of stalking or sexual assault. CTS Law Offices can provide a consultation for those in need of a restraining order.

Emergency Protective Orders

There are different types of protection orders available in Texas, including emergency protective orders, temporary ex parte protective orders, and final protective orders. Emergency protective orders can be obtained by law enforcement officers or prosecutors and are meant to provide immediate protection to a victim in a dangerous situation. Temporary ex parte protective orders can be obtained by the victim without the abuser being present in court and are valid for up to 20 days. Final protective orders, on the other hand, are issued after a hearing in which both the victim and the abuser have an opportunity to present evidence and arguments. Final protective orders can be valid for up to two years and may be extended in certain circumstances.

Protection Order Provisions

Protection orders can contain various provisions depending on the specifics of the case. These provisions may include prohibiting the abuser from contacting the victim or going near the victim’s home, workplace, or other designated locations. The order may also require the abuser to surrender firearms or other weapons, attend counseling or treatment programs, and refrain from any further abusive or harassing behaviors. Violating a protection order can result in criminal charges and penalties, including fines, imprisonment, and additional restrictions on the abuser’s behavior.

Petition Court

It’s crucial to note that obtaining a protection order is a legal process that involves filing a petition with the court and presenting evidence of the need for protection. Having an experienced attorney from CTS Law Offices can be invaluable in navigating the complex legal requirements and advocating for the victim’s rights. If you are in need of protection from domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or harassment in Texas, seeking legal assistance to obtain a protection order can be a critical step in ensuring your safety and well-being.

CTS Law Offices San Antonio

CTS Law Offices, Cristina T. Sepulveda, recognizes the importance of addressing domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and harassment in Texas and throughout the United States. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping victims obtain Emergency Protective Orders, also known as restraining orders, to provide essential protection in times of crisis. We understand the urgent need for immediate relief for victims and work tirelessly to assist our clients in obtaining these orders to prevent further harm. If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or harassment, contact CTS Law Offices, Cristina T. Sepulveda, for compassionate and skilled legal representation.

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Cristina T. Sepulveda


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San Antonio, Texas

Texas Protective Orders

Please note that obtaining a protection order is a legal process that involves filing a petition with the court and providing evidence to support the need for protection. It is crucial to work with a skilled attorney, such as those at CTS Law Offices, led by Cristina T. Sepulveda, to navigate this process effectively.